Prayer Meeting

Crosspointe Church 163 Bear Pen Creek Rd, Laurel, MS, United States

Our prayer team will be leading in a time of prayer for our church family!

Prayer Meeting

Crosspointe Church 163 Bear Pen Creek Rd, Laurel, MS, United States

Our prayer team will be leading in a time of prayer for our church family!

Men’s Breakfast Fellowship

Crosspointe Church 163 Bear Pen Creek Rd, Laurel, MS, United States

This is a time for men and sons to come together, break bread, and fellowship. This breakfast is happening in the Ed building.

Spring Break Youth Retreat

Lake Forest Ranch 5326 Lake Forest Rd, Macon, MS, United States

Youth spring retreat at Lake Forest Ranch where students join from other churches to worship together through singing, hearing the word, and spending time together in fellowship.

Family Night

Crosspointe Church 163 Bear Pen Creek Rd, Laurel, MS, United States

We would like to invite everyone to a time of celebration! We will begin with a meeting and then have a party with food, fellowship, jumps, and games!

Wedding Shower for Matt Sherman and Khaki Peet

We're having a wedding shower for Matt Sherman and bride-elect Khaki Peet on April 24th at 2 p.m. at the home of Julie and Bill Hogue. Khaki is registered at Southern Antiques and Bed Bath and Beyond.

Baby Shower for Rhett Holifield

Baby shower for Rhett Holifield and his parents, Ashely and Justin Holifield on March 27th at 2 p.m. at the home of Tiffany and Andy Cupit. Ashley is registered at Amazon and Target.

Family Night

Crosspointe Church 163 Bear Pen Creek Rd, Laurel, MS, United States

Kids Camp

Shocco Springs Conference Center 1314 Shocco Springs Rd, Talladega, AL, United States

Student Life kids camp is July 16-19 at Shocco Springs Conference Center in Talladega, AL. This is for children completed 3rd-6th grades. The cost is $375 with a $50 deposit due March 27. We will be having a fundraiser to help with the cost of this camp. If you would like for your child to […]

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